Friday, September 18, 2009

Martians in Cape Cod!

Our martians were still getting some sun before school started!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mickey Meets a Martian

This martian traveled all the way from Amesbury to Disney!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Space Alien visits Ireland!

Dingle Ireland was GREAT!!!

Be back in Weymouth, MA soon.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hoops at Fire/Water!

Hoops took a weekend trip down with Springfield Library Associate Sarah Hodge-Wetherbe and her family to the Fire/Water festival in Providence RI! It’s an amazing riverfront festival where boats travel the canals after dark lighting pyres of floating wood so the water is illuminated by bonfires! Lights, candles, and fires are everywhere and there are many wonderful people about performing for the crowds!

Hoops and Sarah check in at the Providence Marriott Downtown!

Hoops had to make sure the beds were comfy!

Here is one of the street performers, a Ghost girl who stood stone still until you gave her a tip. Then she would blow you a kiss and change poses.

You could take a romantic gondolier ride down the canal.

Hoops and Sarah’s mom, Brenda, wait patiently for darkness to fall!

The river is ablaze with Light! This was Hoops favorite part!

The park was also lit with paper star lanterns! Hoops thought it kind of looked like we were walking through outer space!

These Gargoyle performers came in full costume to perch completely still. But if you gave them a tip, they would grasp your hand or pat your head and change poses. Hoops thought they were really cool...but some of the little kids were a bit scared of them!

Hoops had to have his morning coffee before heading home Sunday morning. He said it was the coolest festival in the universe!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

E. Bridgewater Martians Visit the Cape

Madelynn and her martian friend pose for the camera.

Lauren shows off her martian friend.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hoops the Martian makes the trip from Springfield to Fairhaven!

First Hoops got to meet the staff including Youth Librarian Ms. Laura...
and Circulation Assistant Erica!
then Hoops wanted to read everything the library had on his favorite sport, BASKETBALL.

Hoops got to meet some cool teen volunteers like Bria...
and Nadine...
and helped make some Pokeballs at a Pokemon party!
Hoops also hung out with some of the teens during Crafternoon and learned how to make SLIME. Everyone at the Millicent Library really enjoyed visiting with Hoops. He's welcome back anytime! A big thank you to Sarah Hodge-Wetherbe for sending Hoops to us from the Springfield Library system!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Larry the Alien Visits the Library of Congress

Kyle Nadeau of Amesbury brought his friend Larry to Washington DC

Monday, August 3, 2009

adventures in Rhode Island!

Martians check out the Green Animals Topiary Gardens in Portsmouth, RI

Martians and human friends at Breakers Mansion in Newport, RI

Space Aliens visit Prince Edward Island

Space Aliens visit Prince Edward Island
These guys travelled from Weymouth all the way up to Prince Edward Island!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Got Books?

Grant and his Martian friend, Space-y cooled themselves down with some yummy ice cream. They had an out of this world experience at The Whole Scoop in Hanson!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Martians Take Disney

Hayley (7) and Gillian (4) traveled to Disney World and brought some friends with them. They took them all over the park, as you can see!

Gink and Cha-Cha go to Buttonwood Park

Gink, Cha-Cha, Sophia and Ben clearly had a lovely day at Buttonwood Park in New Bedford...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Spacey and Alien Keelie check out Moon Pies!

Ella and Sofia's aliens, Spacey and Alien Keeley decided to check out moon pies. First they read the book Jimmy Zangwow's Out-of-This-World Moon-Pie Adventure by Tony DiTerlizzi and then they made Moon Pies together! You can make a moon pie, too. Check it out here.
Sofia and Ella recommend using strawberry marshmallow filling. :) YUM!

Gink and Cha-Cha go on an adventure!

Sophia and Ben sneak in Gink and Cha-Cha to the movies. Shh! Don't tell!Gink checks out a fire truck at the Bristol, RI 4th of July parade

Cha-Cha discovers earth flora!